
Last updated on September 10, 2014


Bhutanese culture is unique and vibrant, and it is a living culture. Our festivals are most colourful and lively. All our festivals have evolved over hundreds of years, steeped in history, tradition and culture. They are essentially based on beliefs and reverence to mainly Buddhist philosophies and cultures. Just before your participation in any festivals, your tour guide will be happy to give you an insight into the festivals to help you appreciate the goings-on better.

There are 20 districts called Dzongkhag (administrative regions) in the Kingdom. Each district has its own festival, taking place in different times of the year. Besides these 20 districts (Dzongkhags), every village or community has its unique festivals. While such festivals are normally celebrated by our people with great reverence and devotion, visitors from abroad are most welcome to partake in the festivities. Our people adorn themselves with their best attire and jewelry. Families and friends share their mouthwatering dishes in a picnic style. These kinds of festivals bring about the sense of community which promote understanding, harmony, peace and happiness. This is what we call community vitality!

Please do not forget to bring along your cameras and video recorders for you will have plenty of opportunities to click and shoot.